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PERL members win PERC Proceedings Notable Paper award

PERL members Xandria Quichocho, Katie Hinko, Nick Young, and Danny Caballero won the PERC Proceedings Notable Paper award for their papers at PERC 2019.

Who does physics: Understanding the composition of a physicist through the lens of women of color and female LGBQ+ physicists
Xandria R. Quichocho, Jessica Conn, Erin M. Schipull, and Eleanor W. Close
For revelatory findings regarding notions of physics identity from the perspective of women of color and female LGBTQ+ physicists, and a focus on research participants' lived experiences.

Hidden Value: Investigating the Physics Demonstration as Aesthetic Experience
Sydney Seese, Megan Halpern, and Kathleen A. Hinko
For novel analysis of physics demonstrations as expressive objects using the theory of aesthetic experience to capture a more comprehensive view of demonstrations, that could be applied more broadly to other informal learning activities.

Using Machine Learning to Understand Physics Graduate School Admissions
Nicholas T. Young and Marcos D. Caballero
This paper brings a new analysis approach to understanding the factors that influence graduate admissions and causes the reader to rethink the weight placed on GREs.